Martin Milo

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Javascript For Each Loop

javascript array basics

JavaScript forEach is one of the built-in methods you can use to loop through the array and execute some functionality on each item without returning a new array or mutating the original one.

The forEach method accepts a callback function, and optionally, we can pass thisArg (which will be used as this when executing the callback). The callback or provided function is called once on each item in an array in ascending order.

const animals = ['Cat', 'Dog', 'Bird'];

// We're passing an anonymous function as a callback to forEach
animals.forEach(function (animal) {
	if (animal !== 'Bird') console.log(animal);

// -- ๐Ÿ‘‡ console.log output --
// "Cat"
// "Dog"
Javascript for each loop and its visual representation

You can also rewrite the anonymous function if you want to use the ES6 arrow syntax. This would make it a one-liner:

animals.forEach((animal) => animal !== 'Bird' ? console.log(animal) : undefined);

The callback or anonymous function we're passing to forEach method has two more optional parameters. The first of the optional parameters is the index.

const animals = ['Cat', 'Dog', 'Bird'];

animals.forEach(function (animal, index) {
	if (index === 0) console.log(animal);

// -- ๐Ÿ‘‡ console.log output --
// "Cat"

Looping through the array-like object are topics on their own but in a nutshell, if you're working in a browser environment with JavaScript, the most common array-like object you probably encounter is a NodeList. Example is the result of document.querySelectorAll('p').

Some built-in array methods such as filter or map cannot be used on array-like objects or NodeList directly and require conversion to a regular array. However, the forEach method can be directly called on the NodeList.

Finally, the use case of the forEach method might be to aggregate some values:

const items = [{ price: 100 }, { price: 50 }, { price: 10 }];

let sum = 0;
items.forEach((item) => {
	sum += item.price;

// -- ๐Ÿ‘‡ console.log output --
// 160

Sure, for this example we might stick to a functional approach and use the reduce method. However, if you need to aggregate more than one value, it might be more readable to use the forEach method.

When to use forEach method?

  1. Logging: As shown in the examples above, you can use the method for conditional logging based on some criteria. This is effective for debugging.

  2. Executing side-effects: Since forEach method does not modify an array nor return any output, it might be useful for calling non-returning functions on certain items of an array.

  3. Aggregating values: Another use case might be to aggregate values from the array.


  • The forEach method does not modify the original array unless it contains objects on which you mutate the properties โ€” I do not recommend doing mutations this way and instead use the map method for such use case.

  • It always returns undefined, which means you never want assign the result to a variable. Even if you would, it would be just undefined, no matter what callback you pass to it.

  • Unlike map or filter, forEach is generally used for operations that involve side-effects.

  • Unlike the native for loop, you cannot break the forEach loop. The return keyword would only apply to its scope, which is a callback, instead of a method and thus won't stop the loop.

Martin Milo
The Author Martin Milo

Seasoned full-stack developer with years of startup experience at, now focused on BE architecture and DevX at Pragmatic at building own web and native apps. Writing software-related blog posts and teaching.