Why should you take my courses? Because I've never been fond of PP slides, FooBar examples and plain text explanations. Neither are you? Good.
My courses are designed to be practical and hands-on, and when I explain topics, I will do so with drawings and visual tools. I'm a full-time developer with side projects, and have practical experience with all the topics I cover.
NestJS & Typescript & TypeORM
NestJS is a modern backend framework with for building efficient and scalable server applications. TypeORM is an ORM that that maps tables to model classes and help you generate SQL migrations while using type-safe syntax for writing queries.
nestjs typeorm typescript -
React & Server Components
React is a component-based library for web and native UIs. It allows you to mix Javascript with HTML and encapsulate individual components. Server Components are rendered ahead of time and lets you access data without having to build an API.
react javascript -
Web Development Intro
Modern web development consists of many moving parts as applications grew in complexity. Over the past two decades, we've seen a massive increase in number of web apps and most SaaS companies treat their web apps as a core to their business.
web development javascript -
Laravel & Livewire
Laravel is a modern web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax, while Livewire makes building dynamic interfaces simple without leaving the comfort of Laravel.
laravel livewire php